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The food we eat has an impact on communities and businesses, farmers and food producers, and the environment too.  But it also has a huge impact on our health.

Eating a balanced diet is an important part of keeping healthy and making sure that we’re getting the recommended amount of fruit and veg every day. It’s not always easy to access healthy food, but there are plenty of ways we can start to make changes to the way we eat.

Whether it’s taking steps to learn more about what makes up a healthy diet, such as including more fruit and vegetables in your meals, or aiming to cook from scratch more often – small, achievable actions can make a big difference to our health.

If you would like to take things further, you could start exploring the good food activities in your local community, or even think about setting up your own local food project or cooperative.

And it’s not just about individual action; businesses can get involved too. Hospitality and food service businesses can also play their part, for example, by increasing the amount of fruit and veg in every meal served. And any business could commit to giving employees healthier snack options throughout the working day.

We can all make an impact when it comes to cooking and eating for better health in Cardiff.