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The food we eat is part of a complex system affected by policies on the environment, health and the economy.

So, action to promote healthy, sustainable and accessible food in Cardiff needs people in power to work together. 

Food Cardiff is already making these connections. We are a city-wide partnership which connects up the people and projects that are working towards good food for everyone.

We also link Cardiff into wider networks such as Food Sense Wales and, at a UK level, the Sustainable Food Places network. In 2021, Cardiff won Silver Sustainable Food Places status, becoming the first place in Wales – and one of only six in the UK – to secure this award for its pioneering work in promoting healthy and sustainable food.

And, through our networks, we are working closely with the key policy-makers in the city – from the council, the health board, schools and other public service providers – to help them to promote and deliver good food across all major policy decisions. This means that provision for sustainable and healthy food is considered in any new policies around the things that matter most to everyone in the city, like housing, health, education, planning and the environment.

The bigger the Good Food movement in the city is, the more powerful it becomes in being able to make change. So, we need everyone to get involved to help us grow.

By joining the Food Cardiff network, taking part in one of our events, or even just sharing our social media content, you’ll be helping to show the power of the movement for Good Food in the city.

If you want to take it up a step, read the Cardiff Good Food Strategy, pledge to take action and share those actions with everyone in your own networks to encourage them to join the movement.

By pledging to help Cardiff’s Good Food movement to grow, you’ll be part of making our city’s food system fairer and better connected.