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The Living Wage is good for staff, businesses and the local economy.

Why is it important to Food Cardiff? We want everyone in the city to be able to afford nourishing, healthy and sustainable food. So it’s vital that people are paid a wage they can live on.

Becoming an accredited Living Wage employer in Wales shows your staff, customers and suppliers that you respect and value the people who work for you. More than that, it’s also good for business.

A report from Cardiff Business School for Living Wage for Wales surveyed 800 accredited Living Wage businesses and found that 93% said they had benefited from accreditation. Nearly nine in ten said it improved the reputation of the business, three quarters said it increased staff motivation and retention and more than six in ten said it helped to differentiate them within their industry.

Cardiff has been recognised as a Living Wage City and over 61,000 people in the city now work for a Living Wage employer. The Council also provides support to cover the cost of accreditation for businesses

Earning the Living Wage can mean so much more than a pay rise. It can mean being able to put money away for a rainy day, being able to spend more quality time with family and it can mean peace of mind from not having to worry about affording the basics.

Living Wage Wales